Read on these pages about how:
- Kiribati is a remote, low-lying island nation scattered across vast expanses of the equatorial Pacific.
- Kiribati is an economically challenged nation. The largest export is dried coconut. Foreign aid accounts for up to 25% of the nation’s GDP, and the roughly 4,000 foreign tourists generate another 25% annually.
- Scarcity of clean fresh drinking water, poor sanitation facilities, physical inactivity, and nutritional challenges lead to health issues among I-Kiribati.
- The majority of I-Kiribati children have no access to education beyond age 14. Many who are educationally successful leave to find employment overseas, resulting in a “brain drain.”
- The nation is susceptible to the impacts of climate change, including sea-level rise. Many fear that the islands will be submerged or that their freshwater resources may be contaminated, making them uninhabitable.
- Goals For Good Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that aims to foster mutual awareness, appreciation, understanding, and friendly relations between I-Kiribati and Americans, through several programs to support education and fitness.
Our first shipment of soccer equipment made it to Kiribati!
Thanks to Kiribati Children Campaigner's Network and Sporting Kaw Valley for their donations, support and efforts!
The latest news from Kiribati
Congratulations to David Katoatau!
"...David Katoatau waved his arms. He spun. He danced. Oh, my, did he ever dance at the Rio Olympics......" He also was talking to the world.
Before we drown, we may die of thirst...
"...but she gave a roaring laugh when asked if she had considered leaving. “Where would I go?”..."
The strength of the I-Kiribati...
"...many I-Kiribati refuse to think of their homeland as a “disappearing island nation,” its fate already out of their hands. They do not think of themselves as “sinking islanders,” rather as descendants of voyagers, inheritors of a proud tradition of endurance and survival....
That sinking feeling in Kiribati...
"No one knows with any scientific certainty whether the central Pacific nation of Kiribati will sink beneath a rising sea, but its leadership is not taking any chances...."
"We are vulnerable, we are the front line...we are your brothers and sisters."
A recently released, touching video from the islands captures the theme many youth are expressing....
Kiribati MP distressed at scholarship cuts
A Kiribati MP says he's distressed to learn that the number of university scholarships available to students this year has been reduced.....
New study reveals sea level rise is speeding up
The rate of sea level rise has accelerated over the past 20 years....Low elevation islands, such as ...Kiribati, are also greatly threatened by sea level rise